Monica Medeiros Solano
The leader we need.
With a long history of elected experience and a commitment to fiscal responsibility, Monica Medeiros Solano is the candidate Melrose needs now. Monica has lived in Melrose her entire life and is passionate about making a positive difference in this city.
Voters elected Medeiros Solano seven times to represent the City of Melrose in local government. She has the distinction of serving on the School Committee, as the Ward Two Alderman (now known as "City Councilor") and finally three times as City Councilor-at-Large.
Her great mix of local experience, statewide leadership, and private sector finance experience make her the most qualified candidate.
Monica is committed to fighting for a better future for everyone and has the vision and leadership to make it happen. Join Monica's campaign today and help make Melrose a better place for all.

Why Monica is running
I am running because I love Melrose, my lifelong home, and I see the possibilities of what its future holds, and I want to help unlock that potential for all residents.
With fourteen years of elected municipal experience as a former City Councilor and School Committee member, I bring the unique skillset and experience that Melrose needs right now. With the goals of having healthy residents, healthy finances and a healthy environment, I bring the leadership and forward thinking that will help Melrose grow and thrive.
Voters can depend on me to lead us into a bright future, full of possibilities. I humbly ask you to vote Monica Medeiros Solano for Mayor of Melrose.